UKCAS Accreditated legionella Analysis
There are many reasons to use a UKAS accredited testing laboratory, below we discuss some of the main reasons.

Minimise Risk

By choosing Bluezone Scientific, you are choosing a technically competent Laboratory, whose services have been UKAS accredited, staff are competent and sufficient resources are in place to conduct appropriate testing.

Reduce Costs

Bluezone Scientific conduct testing correctly the first time around, saving you the time and cost of re-testing. The repercussions of poor testing can be felt financially beyond retesting.


Keep your reputation intact in the knowledge that your testing has been conducted by an independent, competent testing facility.


As an accredited UKAS laboratory Bluezone Scientifc can demonstrate a full audit trail and ensures industry best practice conducted by trained and experienced staff.

Look for the UKAS symbol

UKAS Bluezone Scientific

Make an informed choice and have confidence in your suppliers by looking for the UKAS symbol.

Only organisations accredited to ISO/IEC 17025 for testing is permitted to display the testing symbol, one of the national accreditation symbols.

See below links for Bluezone Scientific Accreditation Documents.

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UKAS Accreditation
Bluezone Scientific

UKAS Accreditation

The United Kingdom Accreditation Service (UKAS) is the sole national accreditation body recognised by the government to assess, against internationally agreed standards, organisations that provide certification, testing, inspection and calibration services. Bluezone Scientific has acquired this accreditation.


What is Accreditation & UKAS?

Accreditation is certified recognition of the competence of a testing laboratory both in terms of the analytical data generated and reported, and the service provided to the customer.